The kiddos love hanging out and taking care of "their new horses". Sable (she has a star on her forehead) is pregnant and due next June, Amar is the father. The kiddos are excited to be a part of that. We've been working feverishly to get the pasture behind us hot wired and ready for two more. We will be working on "project scrub oak remediation" soon, I'm sure. We will be getting two more geldings tomorrow for the back pasture and in a couple weeks we will be getting a colt and one of the two-year olds. The next thing we will have to do is build a make-shift barn for the little guy. More stories, I'm sure.
**********************musings of a mountain girl, homeschooling mom, and firefighter's wife**********************
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
We got snow today for the first time this year. It looks like when it is all said and done we will have about an inch of snow. And the trees just started turning yellow a week ago! What is up with that? It's about 39 degrees and we have a fire going. It is getting a little too toasty in the cabin, now. That bodes well for a nice, warm winter! All we need now is a hot cup of cocoa! We just put up the kids' new bunkbed and you would think it was Christmas! They are BEYOND excited! Maybe they are just glad they don't have to sleep with the snake, anymore! HA!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The four day is already GONE? So is the snake!
So, I asked MacGyver what he was doing earlier. "Looking for the snake" was his response. I can't believe he ever had to speak those words. The kids found 2 lizards and a lined snake today and decided to keep them. Obviously they didn't realize the snake could climb and left him in an open container in the living room. The next thing I knew the kids were asking me for the flashlight and telling me they were dead. The snake is missing and the kids are still sleeping on their mattresses on the ground. One day we will put there beds up but right now they will have to sleep with the snake. They were told to check their beds for snakes but Izzy thinks that was "just not right!" Oh the adventures in the Rocky Mountains!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Moving In
We are finally getting most of our stuff moved in. We still have a lot of work to do, but, it is nice to be in a home. The phone company finally decided we needed SOME contact with the outside world and the propane arrived after much waiting and watching so now we can actually cook and take long, hot leisurely baths and catch up on some of that school work (since our kids are on-line homeschooled). We also bought a fridge so now we can stop using the camper's icebox, of sorts. Clawfoot tubs and high-speed internet. This is where the 19th century meets 21st century! God is so good to us!
Monday, September 7, 2009

Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Latest Adventure

We have traded the camping lifestyle and joined civilzation again, sort of. We have just moved into our new cabin in the woods. It is a lot smaller than our last home, but much larger than the camper. Ike and Izzy are enjoying their freedom and stay busy building forts and checking out the woods. I'm loving the peace and quiet. As MacGyver is busy fixing everything!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Leaving the burbs!
After 3 years with our house on the market, we have FINALLY sold it in God's perfect timing. So, this summer we left our beautiful house, spent 6 weeks in our camper in the Pike National Forest 2 hours from civilization, and then moved into a cozy, little cabin in the mountains. At first, I missed my never-ending hot water and long, leisurely baths and comforts of a 21st century home. But I don't miss all that a home in suburbia implies. As I have matured, I have learned there is a cost and payoff for every decision I make. And as I can tell, we've had both in our little cabin. We've had roof leaks, skunks, snow, rain, sun, snakes, elk, deer, horses, (have heard rumor of mtn lion and bear), fires (the good kind in our wood burning stove), wood cutting, fence mending, and stinging nettle (the kiddos were introduced to this first). I could do without the roof leaks and nettles and am desperate to get rid of the skunks, but all in all, the payoff still outweighs the cost. God has brought us to a wonderfully isolated place on our very own mountainside. Who could ask for more?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Names changed to protect the innocent (and the not so innocent)
I thought I'd post some pictures of our crazy crew! Of course, there is a picture of MacGyver, Me, Ike and Izzy at Rocky Mountain National Park. And there is Molli, the chocolate lab, Mac, the black lab, and Tank, the yellow orange lab. And last, but of course, not least is the one who thinks she rules the roost, Maggie, the Bernese Mountain Dog, and boy is she in her element!
Random Fun Family Photos From Years Past
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