Ike got back from scout camp a few days ago. We actually drove about three hours further into the mountains of Colorado to pick him up. We were about ten minutes from Wyoming. That's some beautiful country, though. I was so happy to see him and was pleasantly surprised that he was just as happy and excited to see me. That'll warm a mama's heart. If only he would have bathed once or twice while he was gone. But then the trip home wouldn't have been nearly as exciting and eventful. We actually stopped at the nearest gas station, made him go to the bathroom with a change of clothes and wash up as much as possible. I even paid three dollars for a tiny bottle of Fabreze. Unbelievable. I knew we would never make it the three hours home, though, with our heads stuck out the window. Really. It was that bad. You've never smelled the kind of funk a twelve year old boy puts off after a week of fly fishing, hiking, and horseback riding and not taking a shower. OH MY GOODNESS... And the layers of dirt...you couldn't possibly understand...And to think I hugged and kissed him without considering my personal health and welfare...
Anyway, I was so glad to see my boy. I missed him like crazy. Izzy and I were pretty busy with VBS and chickens which helped. But every day I got more and more anxious to see that sweet-smelling boy. Hmph. Shudder.
I think he was glad to get home, take a shower and sleep in his own bed, too. There is just something precious about coming home to your own bed and stuff. Not to mention all the hugs and snuggles he got...after a long, hot shower, of course...
He said he had a blast, made some new friends, got a few more merit badges, learned a couple new card games, perfected Old Macdonald on the harmonica, and gained some extra blisters, too. Battle wounds, I suppose. He was very excited to learn that we got some chickens while he was gone. We got home late and the poor boy headed straight to bed after his shower, but he was up bright and early the next morning meeting the new additions before running out the door. We had a parade to attend...