Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Moment of Reflection

As we were coming back from our Christmas Eve candlelight service tonight, we were talking about how all of those tiny little candles made our church full of light, enough that you could read by. We were discussing how each one of us can make such a difference in the world with the little light we have; and as we pulled into the driveway I noticed how the moon was reflecting off the new snowfall and made it look like thousands of tiny little stars were winking and blinking. And when I heard a new song on KLOVE a poem sprang into life and I had to jump out of bed and write it down:

reflections of the moon
starlight on the snow
a catch in your breath
to see it all aglow
quiet all around
peace on earth tonight
jesus the babe is born
all around is light
a whisper, now a hush
has fallen upon the ground
on heaven, on earth
what wonder and awe abound
his presence is with us
his presents too
he gives us peace, joy
less of us, LORD, and more of you

You've got to hear this song!
While You Were Sleeping by Casting Crowns

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