I woke up to this rainbow a few days ago. I guess you could say I'm still in my Wilderness Experience. Maybe I'm not lost deep in the woods, but hanging out on the edge of the forest now. After finishing my 'reading through the Bible phase', I went through a month period where I wondered, "what now"? And so, I am doing a condensed version of a Bible reading plan I found on my amazing phone called 'The Essential 100 Challenge' which journeys through the 100 most significant passages in the Bible, which sort of seems impossible. And yet, it is just simply taking me on a hop, skip and a jump back through the Bible to highlight some things I oddly need to "remember"! The point of all the rambling is to say, "Wow!" I feel like I've been studying for a four year degree in just two short years. And now, I'm in review mode, but I am in a better place to pick up my other book reading. I've never been much of a light book reader. It's usually big heavy topics like: how to have the best marriage, how to teach your kids to love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul, how to give until it hurts, and how to really become more like God. Somewhat for posterity sake and somewhat to give others ideas on really great books if you want to know any of the books I have read or am getting ready to pick up, as suggestions from my pastor, Bible studies or God-fearing, God-loving friends...here is a not so comprehensive list of "you've got to read" books that have touched me, transformed me and made a definite spot in that scary place called my memory...
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
How to Listen to God by Charles Stanley
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Fields of the Fatherless by Tom Davis
Walking with God by John Eldredge
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge (a man's heart)
Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge (a woman's heart)
Just as I Am by Billy Graham (and franky anything he writes is fantastic)
My favorite Christian female novelist:
Francine Rivers and the books I love by her. I love the way she uses stories of the Bible and weaves them into something easily tangible and indentifiable is incredible!
Scarlet Thread
Redeeming Love
Mark of the Lion trilogies ***MUST MUST READ***
The Lineage of Grace series (5 women of the Bible I call the "un" series)
-Unveiled, Unashamed, Unshaken, Unspoken, Unafraid
The Sons of Encouragement series (5 men of the Bible)
-The Priest, The Warrior, The Prince, The Prophet, The Scribe
My favorite Christian male novelist:
Max Lucado. I love the way He 'gets' the Bible and paints a beautiful picture for us. He must have a million books out there. You could close your eyes and point and not go wrong. Here's just a few:
It's Not About Me
Six Hours One Friday
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
God Came Near
And the Angels Were Silent
When God Whispers Your Name
I haven't read any of Francine River's or Max Lucado's latest books. I've been a little busy but plan to do some catching up but have quite a list of other authors I'm planning on working on.
Right now I'm reading JI Packer's Knowing Christianity. He's bringing up the point that we know of God what He shows us. And that a part of knowing God is knowing ourselves and how much we need Him to really know God. Very good book. Highly recommend it. Small but packed!
And next on the agenda is Thomas Keller's Prodigal God, Reason for God and Counterfeit Gods.
Although, I just saw at the library today, Phillip Yancey's book Prayer and think I might interject it in there somewhere.
And still on my list of "gotta read"...
Extraordinary Women and various Bible studies by Beth Moore
Idols for Destruction by Herbert Schlossberg
Unexpected Adventure by Strobel
God Wants to be Wanted by AW Tozier
Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Your God is too Small by JB Phillips
Suburban Spirituality by Dave Getz
Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas Woods
I get several daily email devotions if you are in need of some daily direction, renewal, and growth (like me):
Girlfriends in God
Our Daily Bread
Proverbs31 Ministries
Max Lucado
I have a heart that desires to walk with God and to teach my kiddos to learn His voice. I heard a quote somewhere that says "God whispers to His friends and shouts at His enemies". I want to be quiet enough to hear His whisper. It takes time, practice and discipline (which I sorely lack all of). Even coming out of this one on one time I spent with Him these past two years, it seems it is easier to get caught up in the moment of the here and now so-called emergencies and dole out a few minutes here and there for Him. We are prone to wander as the song goes. Don't I know it! But I want more of Him and less of me. And for that reason, I keep coming back to Him for rest and so that He can finish the good work He started in me.
And to that end, if you have a list of "gotta reads" that I can add to my list, I'd love to know what your favorite Christian books or authors are. I need all the help I can get (and a little extra reading time would help, too)! J