Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This morning, my kiddos woke me up at 7:00 to deliver me breakfast in bed. A big bowl of  Special K with strawberries. I requested cinnamon rolls for dessert. And then they brought me the crafts they made at school. This is the first time they have made me something for Mother's Day without me knowing about it. It was very cute and sweet. And their card made me crack up. It was a Hoops and Yoyo card. You know. The funny, obnoxious ones? They sang Amazing Mom to the tune of "Amazing Grace". It went something like this..."Amazing mom, You're wonderful, We think the world of you! And though at times we do some bad things, We know you love us too!" Hey, we made you a big cake, mom. KABOOM! UH, OH, maybe we'll just make you some rice cakes instead!

Izzy made me a poem and an acrostic:

I learned about love from you, watching your caring ways. I learned about joy from you in fun-filled yesterdays.



Vacspackler (very creative, huh? I'm surprised she didn't use vacuum)
Energetic (since when?)

You Rock
Opposite (very)
Unique (is that nice for you're weird?)

and Ike made me a Top Ten Reasons I Love You:

Mom, You Are The Best!
10. You feed me.
9.  You love me.
8.  You play with me.
7.  You teach us.
6.  You help us solve things.
5.  You stop fights.
4.  You smell like a horse. (WHAT?)
3.  I love you.
2.  You help us.
1.  You're the best!

Makes a mom proud (especially the part about smelling like a horse).

I asked MacGyver yesterday if Mother's Day meant I didn't have to wear ranching clothes and lift anything heavy. He said sure. How gracious. I was prepared to go to my knees. Believe me! My body can heave-ho no more. Instead, we are planning on grabbing some lunch after church and doing some Geocaching instead. We haven't done any Geocaching up in these parts. Yeah! Our family was born to explore and we finally get a beautiful, warm, non-working day to do it. The only thing this Mother's Day is lacking is a nap-but the day isn't over, yet!

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

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